1. Name, please.
Scarlet (FaithL
2. Approximate Age.
3. Are you happy in your life?
Tough question. I'm happy with the way things are, but I myself am not actually happy... it has nothing to do with anyone or anything in my life, its just a fight I fight.
4. Do you feel like anything is missing? If so, what do you want?
Yes. And I can't say.
5. Do you plan on being a musician/artist/writer?
I don't plan on it, I am a writer.
6. Do you think you are artistic?
In my own way.
7. Have you ever tried hard drugs?
8. If so, have they changed your life?
They have, and I never even tried them. But they killed my mom.
9. What age would you like to die?
O_O No idea.
10. Would you let your kids smoke weed?
Not in my house.
11. Are you an angry person?
12. Do you laugh a lot, but don’t really mean it?
Yeah, I think to myself too much.
13. Do you like to think you are popular?
Nope. Don't have any desire to be.
14. Describe your most terrifying dream.
They wouldn't make sense to you. Its supernatural stuff, involving those that I love, witchcraft, pure evil, and not being strong enough to stop shit. Its the same theme, with different scenarios every night.
15. What band would you die to see live?
H.I.M. and the Smashing Pumpkins. I probably will see neither. Every other band I want to see is easy.
16. How would you like to die?
In the arms of the one I love.
17. What’s your opinion on self-mutilation?
It is a disease. I think if people do it for attention they should be knocked on their ass because some of us really do HAVE to do it.
18. Do you believe in capitalism?
I don't care.
19. Communism?
I don't care.
20. Libertarianism?
I seriously don't care.
21. Would you rather be an anarchist or a socialite?
Neither. I walk my own undefined path.
22. Freedom of speech or controlled society?
Freedom of speech, duh.
23. Obama or Bush?
24. Would you consider yourself intelligent?
25. When was the last time you cried?
Last night
26. When was the last time you laughed?
Um. Saturday.
27. Who is your last text from?
28. What did it say?
29. Ever had your ass kicked?
30. What’s your middle name?
31. Single or taken?
32. If taken, do you love this person?
33. If single, what are you looking for in someone?
34. Sex or love?
Both, please.
35. Who is your best friend?
Evie. and Jeff. And T.Paul
36. Why is this person your best friend?
Evie is like my sister, Jeff is my other half, T.Paul, is was and always will be my mentor and I miss him so much.
37. Are you moody?
38. Are you depressed?
39. What do you think of abortion?
It varies. I'm pro-choice. But, I don't view it as a form of birth control. I think that in consenting relationships both parties should agree to the abortion [dads have rights too], if they don't know who the dad is there should be a valid reason they can't carry & adopt out the child, but then the cases of rape that end up in pregnancy... handle it.
40. Are you in a good mood today?
41. If not, why are you not?
I am never... in a good mood
42. Are you afraid of the swine flu?
Fuck no.
43. Are you afraid to be yourself?
Afraid no. Hate it, yeah.
44. What would you label yourself?
a Faith. someone who doesn't fit in a box, lives for love and music, has mood swings that will give you whiplash, and a serious addiction to books & coffee.
45. Do you live with your parents?
46. How many siblings do you have?
2 & 2. I could care less about any of them.
47. Do you wear skinny jeans?
Not lately
48. Are you emo?
49. Are you aware that all emo kids look exactly the same?
They do not, the world needs to stop being so insecure and stop picking on the emo kids. Let them be. There was a time you were something no one else understood... those kids just happen to connect on a bizarre level.
50. Are you a hater?
I hate everyone equally.
51. Are you anti-racist?
Racism is stupid. Like I said, I hate everyone equally.
52. Explain your personality in 3 words.
Emotional, Deep, Intense
53. What do you wish your name was?
54. How old do you want to be when you get married?
there is no answer for this question
55. What do you want to name your kids?
Lauralei, Colin, Jade, Liam
56. What kind of hairstyle do you want?
I have it. Its like an alice cullen pixie.
Yet amazingly not one decent picture of it exists. *hrmph.*
57. When was the last time you brushed your teeth?
This morning
58. What are you wearing right now?
59. Say something random.
I'm lying here on the floor where you left me, I think I took too much. I'm crying here what have you done, I thought it would be fun. I can't stay on your life support theres a shortage in the switch, I cant stay on your morphine cuz its making me itch, I tried to call the nurse again but shes being a little bitch.... I swear, you're just like a pill, instead of makin me better, you're making me ill.
60. What do you wear to bed?
61. What color is your underwear?
62. Am I getting too personal?
63. What’s your view on nihilism?
I think if it works for you, then go for it, but be real with yourself, whatever you choose.
64. Pacifism?
Is a pipe dream
65. Do you think the drug culture is misunderstood?
66. Are you a fan of Hunter S Thompson?
Not so much.
67. Do you read literature?
I do
68. Do you love horror movies?
Every minute of every day
69. What’s your favourite one?
I love nightmare on elm street, friday the 13th, halloween, and ...lol... behind the mask: the rise of leslie vernon. I know. not a "to be taken serious" horror, but still!!
70. Do you like comedies?
71. Are you a smoker?
72. Do you smoke cigars/cigarillos?
73. Do you have anger problems?
I do
74. Do you know someone who has a mental illness?
Yes. Me. And almost everyone else.
75. Have you had someone close to you die of cancer?
My best friend.
76. What do you want to be next Halloween?
I'm gonna be Nyx.
77. What grade are you in?
Grade 27 in the school of life.
78. When do you graduate?
I graduated in 2001.
79. Do you talk to yourself?
Of course. Who doesn't.
80. What color are your toenails?
81. Has anyone ever told you you have a nice smile?
82. Nice eyes?
83. Ever broken a bone?
My skull... thats it. They say my wrist was broken in 3 places, BUT, I don't think so.
84. Got a black eye?
LOL... yeah once or twice.
85. Nose bleed?
86. Ever been so mad you cried?
On the daily.
87. What’s your favourite quote?
Mother is the name for god on the lips & hearts of all children.
88. Are you listening to anything right now?
Not anymore. I was listening to Pink - who knew.
89. What are you addicted too?
Nothing really. But choice addictions are coffee & books & music.