Hi guys. So I'm working on getting help with my lifelong migraine battle. I found this article. His English syntax is different, so try and fill in the adverbs yourself, but this article is so full of knowledge.
The author:
The source:
"When Doctors in FDA and AAN (American academy of neurology) knew about my migraine surgery, and my migraine new truth that only extra cranial arteries causes all kinds of migraine headaches, and still agree to give migraine patients TRIPTANS, and BOTOX, this mean one think that Money come first not the health of migraine patients.
You can see this truth easy.
They give Triptans medications for relief of migraine headaches!
You will see how silly to give Triptans that make all vessels of the body to contract while the vessels that need this medications are only on the skin.
Triptans can kill migraine patients because Triptans make the vessels of the heart too much smaller in diameter, so this mean less blood can supply the heart muscles.
Can you imagine if young migraine patients have migraine and he has to play a football game, and he has migraine headaches? He will take 2 tabs of triptans because he needs too much to play this game.
In the time of game his heart need too much blood supply, but due to Triptans heart vessels can't give the blood. The heart reaction in this case can be fatal.
How many migraine patients were suicides since FDA and AAN knew about my migraine surgery in 2001, 2000 for AAN.
AAN said that migraine is the first reason for suicides in youth ages.
About Botox in migraine you can read this:
Everyone who hides the truth he is responsible of migraine patient's suicides, and side effects of Triptans and Botox.
I think that money come first not only in FDA and AAN, but also in the place that can go after the truth even if FDA and AAN want to hide it."
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