Confessions of a Tattooed Soul

I've got a lot on my mind.

Thursday, September 9, 2010

Some latin, I'm saving for later

Non aliquis incipit convivium sine nobis! Nos Sumus convivium!=No one starts the party without us! We ARE the party!

Tu es dea, filia lunae=You are a goddess, a daughter of the moon.

O mater luna, regina nocis, adiuvo me nunc=Oh mother moon, queen of night, help me now.

Lecta/Lectus=Chosen one


Caprimulgus=Milker of goats

Id quod factum est, infectum esse potest.=What was done can be undone.

Quae tibi nocere possunt, etiam te adiuvare possunt.=What can harm you can also help you.

Demere personam tuam atque ad dominum tuum se referre=Take off your mask and return to your master.

Leva velamen=Lift the veil.

Si sine misercordia oppugnabis, tenebrae fies.=If you attack without compassion, you will become the darkness.

Cum oculus daemonis coniveat, ini terram vetitam.=When the demon eye blinks, enter the forbidden land.


Nefandus=Not to be spoken of

Animis, non astutia.=By courage, not by cunning

Dea certe=Assuredly, a goddess

Citius venit periculum cum contemnatur.=Danger comes quickly when it isn't feared.

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