Can I just say... Roller Derby... Saved my soul?
So... here is the deal. Saturday night, I went on a (rare) date with Jeff. I had one of those moments.. where I got so pissed off at life... because I'm about to have a birthday. (In 24 days to be exact.) I got so pissed off because I'm going to be 27... and I've been sick so long that I can't remember when I was well. And I was like... piss on this. I have wanted to do Roller Derby since high school... when there was NO ROLLER DERBY again or yet however you want to look at it. And I watched them, and I saw my friend Angela... (Dig this bad ass broad... LOVE HER!!)
She's gonna let me borrow skates & we're working out me borrowing gear, and track time, and I'm going to practice with them 6 hours a week, and aside from that, I'm going to skate, every day, and get healthy. I am gonna do this until I go in for surgery, and then it all depends on my recovery time. I am still going to go out for every practice, even if I can't skate (I already know, I won't be able to, I may not even be able to wear jeans... whatever.) I'm going to go to practice anyway, because I am dedicated... and I'm going to get healthy... and do this for ME and be happy... and become a derby girl. It will take time & serious dedication... but I'm doing it. Health be damned.
I will be practicing with the V-Town Derby Dames & V-Town Derby Darlings... this is their site:
And this is them:
And I haven't been this excited about anything in .... maybe ever. This may be crazy, (My dad doesn't think its a good idea) but... this is for ME, and I'm going to be happy doing it. Maybe I suck at it, maybe I'm hell on wheels... who knows? Either way, I'm going to get excellent excercise, and I'm going to get healthier, and have an excellent way to get out my aggression.
Dig this song.
Now... I have to come up with a derby name for myself.
I was thinking Faith Fatale... but I kind of don't want to incorporate my real name in it. Scarlet Smasher? Too plain. I'm not a plain girl.
So... three things... one... What do you think?? :)
Two... Any suggestions for a derby name?? LOL!!
Three... If you're loaded for cash... please buy me cheapo roller skates for my birthday, ;) They have them for $34.99 at target, and I'm a size 7 1/2 or 8. ;) ;) ;)
This is my news.
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