Dear Grandma,
I've only been mad at you 3 times that I can remember my whole life.
Well, today is number four.
How dare you, not teach me all that you had to teach.
You were such a good cook (when you wanted to be.) You were an amazing lady with all things baked goods, and you made the most bitchin hams ever. And I want you to know that right now I am SEVERELY PISSED OF AT YOU FOR DYING WITHOUT EVER TAKING THE TIME TO TEACH ME. I'm making a ham. FINE! I'm making a glaze. NOT FINE! I have never met anything in the kitchen I can't do UNTIL IT WAS TIME TO MAKE A FUCKING HAM GLAZE! because I followed the directions. I improvised. I was logical. I made it with love, and GUESS WHAT?? NO GLAZE!!! And there is no one else to ask. Dad's busy doing errands, & cannot do cell phone & other things, mom is dead and even if not, USELESS in the kitchen as far as I know, I have NO OTHER FAMILY.... my FRIENDS won't give me their GOD DAMN PHONE NUMBERS so I can text them .... and Jeff is at work. sad
it really makes one feel.... alone... when she looks around and realizes she has practically no one. I have Evie. I have Dad. I have Jeff. Where is everyone else?
I miss you, grandma. And I really need you around these days, and I am sad.
I hope things are better wherever it is that you roam these days. I hope you don't have to make ham glazes there. I love you.
and I can't make a ham glaze. FML.
Love always,
your favorite granddaughter.
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